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Script Reading Work Experience - (Nationwide)

Nationwide (Homebased), Part-time

Start Date

2nd November 2024

Script Reading Work Experience - (Nationwide)

We acquire, develop and produce commercial feature films, with a recent expansion into television as well.

We are running a work experience scheme to help individuals gain experience and skills as script readers so they are better prepared to find work. You will have the opportunity to read exciting new writing, the chance for your script report to be read by top industry professionals all over the world (UK, USA, AUS).

We aim to give the candidates experience in dealing with scripts, improve their ability to cast a commercial eye over them which is an essential aspect for many roles in the industry, from development to producing. We will give you feedback, tips and advice to help you improve and answer any questions you have about the industry to help you further your career.

We tend to structure the scheme in weekly segments. Providing you a script to write a coverage report with a deadline of one week. (If something comes up for then of course the deadline can be extended).

Once received, we reply with feedback, sometimes they can alter their report based on feedback or take on that feedback for the next report.

You can be based anywhere in the UK, as this is something you can learn from home.
