The Yorkshire Academy of Film & Television Acting (YAFTA) provides educational courses for those wishing to pursue careers in the film & television industry. YAFTA originally trained students to become professional screen actors but as they built an excellent reputation within the industry they decided to offer training and opportunities to those wishing to work behind the camera too. YAFTA now offers three unique diploma programmes, these are; YAFTA Acting for Screen Diploma, YAFTA Film & TV Production Diploma and YAFTA Applied Screenwriting Diploma. All of these courses are taught by industry professionals who are educated and experienced in their profession which means that these courses not only provide students with a strong educational grounding in their chosen field, but also the opportunities to network with those currently working in the industry. YAFTA’s aim is not only to educate students, but also to help all students obtain professional work upon completion of their course.
My First Job In Film is the biggest community of new filmmakers in the UK. If you are looking to promote your film course or scheme then please get in touch.